Monday, November 8, 2010

He Doesn't Give us a Spirit of Fear....

My it has been way too long since I have posted. Thanks, Shan-d for the reminder. :) Although I must admit that I have had plenty of friendly reminders of late.

Beloved, fear can be a crippling emotion, especially when it is not godly and reverential. Fear manifests itself in many ways, some of which include apprehension, insecurity, and distrust (just to name a few). In the times that we live in, we are constantly bombarded with "fearful" indications on a daily basis, it's no wonder that most of us have had to address "fearful" tendencies in our lives from time to time.

I was intrigued by a particular definition of fear that Google provided, it's as follows;

"Fear-an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight)".

May I be honest? I mean painfully honest? This definition has hit home for me. In relation to this blog and to other endeavors in my life I have to admit that at times fear has caused me not to embrace and flow with the Spirit of God. In fact, my "modus operandi" has been to flee. Run and Hide. Either, this is unfamiliar territory that I am just not ready to face, or the emotions are too familiar and I fear going down that road again. But yet, He beckons me to pursue, to try and to love without any apprehension, without any fear of the unknown or reliance on my "personal perceptions"; because He is with me and He will help me (Isaiah 44:2).

So here I am, coming out of hiding once again. Daily reminding myself, that God does not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). He has already provided me with everything that I need to overcome. So now its up to me to take Him at His Word, as it was with Joshua, Gideon, the Disciples and so many others who have gone before me.

Maybe you can relate to this post. My prayer is that His love will overshadow every thought, every word, or ideology that seeks to hinder (prevent) you and I from being all that God has created us to be. May His perfect love cast out all fear. May our eyes be opened to the fact that there are many more for us than that are against us. Lord God, we believe that there is a glorious destiny awaiting us as we step out in faith, keeping our eyes on You and not on the howl of the waves, the visual turbulence or the voices that try to convince us to get back into the boat. You, Oh Lord, are the Author and the Finisher of the very faith we need to conquer this giant. You continue to daily provide us with grace that meets us right where we are, for this we say thank you.

I would love to hear your feedback.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Be Marvelled!

Habakkuk 1:5 (Amplified Bible)

Look around [you, Habakkuk, replied the Lord] among the nations and see! And be astonished! Astounded! For I am putting into effect a work in your days [such] that you would not believe it if it were told you.

I was telling a friend yesterday that there is never a dull-day in God. He is always up to something, doing something and saying something. Dullness has a way of creeping in, when a we lose the expectation of God speaking or moving in our lives.

God never disappoints. He can not lie. He is passionate about us. His thoughts of us outnumber the sand on the sea. I like how the Amplified puts it;

Psalm 139:17-19 (Amplified Bible)

How precious and weighty also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them!
If I could count them, they would be more in number than the sand. When I awoke, [could I count to the end] I would still be with You.

The Spirit of God is saying, look around, take notice for yourself. He wants you to be amazed, to be marveled, because what He is doing in these days will be too much for you to comprehend, even if he were to tell you beforehand. 


Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Response

"God will wait for you to reach a point of desperation to see how you will respond" (Quote taken from GodChaser's Devotional September 5, 2009)

For a number of reasons, the above quote, more specifically the word "response" hit close to home this evening. I just attended a worship seminar entitled, Retrieving Biblical Worship at TPM where I was challenged to evaluate my "response" (worship) to God. During the seminar, I realized that my view or understanding of "acceptable" worship unto God was limited despite the wealth of information I have learned over the years.

Yet, God has been requiring an even deeper reflection which entailed my honest evaluation of responses I had during the course of the day. I have to admit I am not pleased but to overcome, it must be done with the "word" of my testimony". You see to be honest I had one of those overwhelming Saturdays; house cleaning, cooking, washing, taking care of Arianna, the list could go on and on, but when I looked back on it all, how effective was I? When I evaluated my response to Arianna's cry for more attention from mommy, I can't say I responded every time with a hug or sit down time with her. My responses to Chris throughout the day was not always forgiving and loving as God requires me to be. In all honesty,I have realized that my responses have not been pleasing to God.

You see it is easy to boast on an admirable response when all is going well. But the real test is when the pressure is high, the circumstances and situations are not comfortable, what then do you see flowing from my life? It is as result of "these" responses that I am forced to evaluate the condition of my heart. I realized that there are still areas in me that need to be submitted to God.

After finally getting Arianna to sleep, I laid this day and all of its demands, failures, disappointments and achievements before the Lord. I admitted to not having it together, not having all the answers and quite frankly realizing that without Him I can do NOTHING. My prayer is that tomorrow, I will be more patient, more loving, more forgiving, and most of all more pleasing to GOD.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

CHRIST, alone makes me perfect....

I went home today and came across the below declaration of faith. It did wonders for me I have to admit. It re-emphasizes the importance of walking by faith, leaning on the SPIRIT of the LORD and not on our works. This scripture clearly states that any time we emphasize efforts as the basis for salvation, righteousness and justification we are foolish and have returned to the works of the flesh, when it is clearly faith in GOD that justifies us. I especially like how the declaration stays that JESUS alone has made me perfect, not my works (see below).
The more I understand the cross, GOD's love and grace, the more I feel like shouting. What was I doing before?????
Anyway, on my way back to work, I started to internalize what I have learned and said out loud, (of course people were probably driving by looking at me talking to myself) But I spoke anyway...I declared that "I don't have to look at my own efforts as a means of justifying who I am in Christ. Christ and Him alone justifies me. If it was based on my own efforts and ability then I wouldn't need the cross, and I wouldn't need GOD. And HE knows I need HIM!!!!! Hallelujah!"

Galatians 3:2-3 (Amplified Bible)
2Let me ask you this one question: Did you receive the [Holy] Spirit as the result of obeying the Law and doing its works, or was it by hearing [the message of the Gospel] and believing [it]? [Was it from observing a law of rituals or from a message of faith?]
3Are you so foolish and so senseless and so silly? Having begun [your new life spiritually] with the [Holy] Spirit, are you now reaching perfection [by dependence] on the flesh?

Declaration of faith; (taken from the personalized promise Bible for women)

I did not recieve the Holy Spirit by the works of the Law, but by hearing of faith. I am no so foolish as to turn to my own efforts to justify myself after I have admitted that I can't and that I need JESUS. No, I am not the fool who begins a new life in the Spirit, then turns back to works of righteousness for his justification. Jesus alone has made me perfect, not works!!!!

I love you JESUS!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Walk by faith and NOT by sight....

Whew!!!! What an awesome time. When I embarked on this journey with the LORD I never imagined it would be as wonderful as this. I just have to say, there is so much GOD has in store for you. So much HE desires to show you, so much HE's already doing and will do in you and for you. Trust me, don't try to figure it out, our minds can not even begin to comprehend it. HE is exceeding and continues to exceed every expectation. Every day with HIM gets sweeter and sweeter.

Hebrews 11:1

NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, [a]the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].

Most recently, this verse has taken on a whole new meaning for me. NOW faith is....

1.the assurance (confirmation, the title deed) of what I have hoped for,

2. the proof of things I do not see but I have the conviction of their reality

3. the perceiving of what is reality (fact) but has not (yet) been revealed to my senses

Which means we can't (and shouldn't) rely on our senses to reveal to us the things that GOD has prepared for us. The promises of GOD that we read in the BIBLE are not contingent upon us seeing, feeling or hearing before we realize that they are ours. The promises of GOD in HIM are ye and AMEN!!! They rightfully belong to us as partakers of the Divine Nature. It is our faith that bring those promises into existance. Excuse me for a moment but I must make a public confession...

I renounce every association I have had with the old realm of the senses where weakness and failure dominated and I now occupy a new realm of faith where success and victory is my portion. I am officially tendering my resignation to the realm of existance where my senses served as the determining factor of who I was in CHRIST. I walk by faith and NOT by sight. GOD's WORD settles every matter, there is no dispute because GOD's Word ends ALL disputes! I will not draw back. GOD delights in me. HE sings over me because the just shall live by faith. I know that without faith it is impossible to please GOD therefore, I declare that I am strong in faith giving glory to GOD.

Arianna has hair, my GOD she has hair because it was by HIS stripes she was healed. It was accomplished on the cross and because of the cross her name is VICTORY! Arianna walks in wholeness, lacking NOTHING!!!!!

Chris, Arianna and I are partakers of the GLORY that shall be revealed. Christian is a mighty man of GOD, he loves GOD with all of his heart, soul, and might. As for me and my house we serve and love the LORD! The LONT Family is NOT conformed to the world, but we are transformed by the renewing of our minds and we approve what is the good, and acceptable, and perfect will of GOD. I reinterate that we walk by faith and NOT by sight!!!! NOW faith is....HALLELUJAH!!!!!

I recently read in E.W. Kenyon's book "Two Kinds of Faith" that "faith never rises above its confession." He continues by saying "Few of of use realize that our confession imprisons us. The right kind of confession will set us free". He says, "our words are the coins in the Kingdom of Faith. Our words snare us and hold us in captivity or they set us free and become powerful in the lives of others." That being said, there are some things you need to confess right now to break yourself free from the forces that have imprisoned you and what rightfully belongs to you. There is life and death in the power of the tongue, therefore use your tongue to release life. Use your tongue to agree with the Kingdom of GOD. Refuse to speak anything other than what GOD has said about you and about everything that pertains to you. I declare that you are a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed. You are called, chosen, ordained and anointed for greatness. You shall taste and see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. It is GOD's delight to bless and to prosper you. The KINGDOM of GOD is yours. Walk in it, speak it and most of all believe it!!!!


Monday, July 6, 2009

HE liberally supplies

Philippians 4:19 (Amplified Bible)
And my God will liberally supply ([a]fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

I have most recently been faced with difficult situations that have driven me closer to the Throne of Grace. As I read the above scripture this morning I am reminded, encouraged and comforted in knowing that every need I have GOD liberally supplies and fills to the full. Which means we don't have to lack anything because our provider, our sustainer, our healer, our deliverer provides it all according to HIS great riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

The past two weeks I attended the funerals of two dear cousins {Ronald (JR) and Byron (BJ)Coleman, ages 27 and 26 respectively}. Their lives and deaths have left an enormous impact on my life. I am pursuaded to love GOD the more, to pursue HIM with everything that is within me and to live according to HIS terms and HIS plans...not my own or anyone else's for that matter.

I witnessed how this tragedy affected countless lives for one reason or the other. There are questions with no answers, pain that seems unbearable, voids left in a mother and father's heart, and children left to mourn the absence of their fathers, but to all of this I say...But GOD! To this I say GOD supplies EVERY need. JESUS is a man of sorrow, acquainted with grief and He promises that as we approach the throne of Grace we obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need (thanks Apostle A :). Even now, I declare that every loved one left to mourn BJ and JR are finding grace to help in this time of need.

I dedicate this blog to these two precious lives that have been snatched away into eternity. I have realized that I have allowed fear to cripple me from being all that GOD has called me to be (this blog, especially). But with renewed focus and determination I press. What has happened was not in vain, it can not be in vain.

Dear LORD, the life that I have been given I want to use it to bring pleasure to You. I lived enough of it for my own desires and pleasures. Today, unlike BJ and JR I have the opportunity to do things differently. May every reader of this blog and I live with the awareness that we are not created for ourselves. It is truly NOT about us but all about You. Jesus, be the air we breathe, the lyric of every song, the beating of our hearts, the hope that we cling to. Help us to delight ourselves in You and in You alone.

Loving HIM passionately....

Monday, May 25, 2009

Someting New

Wow, GOD is good. To be here at this moment, doing what I love doing is such a wonderful feeling. (Just had to say that) :)

I have started dreaming again, believing GOD for great, great things. The LORD has brought me to a place of rest and peace. I must say that I didn't get here without experiencing pain, anxiety; let me be honest, episodes where I kicked and screamed because the process defied everything I "thought" I knew about GOD. But oh, I have found a place of rest and hiddness in HIM where I am protected, loved, and secure. A place where I don't mind being transparent, letting down the guards and trusting GOD to give me an expected end. HE exceeds every expectation and that is truly glorious!

A dear cousin of mine called earlier today and said "I feel so at peace" and I can totally relate because that is so JESUS. HE provides you with peace that you have to stop to take notice and acknowledge that the way you feel is not because of anything you or anyone else did but because of the goodness of GOD. Whew!!! I love HIM, precious people. I love HIM.

Anyway, I was prompted by HOLY SPIRIT and two precious people GOD has placed in my life, my darling husband and a dear, dear friend (I won't mention any names, but she is a Minister of Dance at Total Praise Ministries) to venture out in faith and begin writing. This will be an avenue for devotional of sorts and to share what the LORD has placed on my heart. I love the heart of GOD. The expressions of HIS heart are life-changing, liberating, empowering, it's as though you have found precious jewels.

That being said, I am honored that you have chosen to visit. May GOD richly bless you. I decree that you are a conduit of unceasing worship unto GOD. You were created for greatness, after all the ONE that fashioned you doesn't do anything mediocre or inferior. It's time! It's time! It's time!